
Can I Stop a Panic Attack?
Mental Health Panic attacks can be disturbing episodes in a person's life. A panic attack is when a person experiences extreme feelings of terror for no apparent reason. They can happen anytime and anywhere and often occur with no warning. It can cause the…

Can Volunteering Provide Positive Benefits to My Mental Health?
Recovery Mental health is one of the most influential factors regarding our overall sense of well-being. It should be a top priority, whether you are trying to overcome a mental health challenge or striving to maintain good mental health. In order to…

How Can Journaling Help Me Track and Improve My Mental Health?
Recovery Journaling can be a fun and easy way to document the things going on in your life. You can write down special memories or funny stories so you can remember them always. Journaling is a great way to express yourself, concentrating on your thoughts…

What Foods Can I Eat to Support My Mental Health?
Recovery There are new methods becoming available to the public that focus on ways to support mental health both holistically and naturally. Many people are showing more interest in alternative methods to support their mental health. Alternative approaches…

How Denial Can Lead to a Mental Health Crisis
People often choose to avoid taking responsibility for unhealthy behaviors or beliefs. In many cases, this denial can worsen mental health issues by causing people to ignore their problems instead of finding healthy ways to manage them. Internalized…

Are Daily Walks Good for My Mental Health?
Recovery Everyone wants to experience positive mental health. We will all go through times when we are feeling great and times when we are feeling low. Sometimes we may not even realize that we are slipping into a negative head space until things get…

Top 5 Benefits of CBT for Mental Health Treatment
Recovery Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that treats various mental health disorders and conditions. This therapy uses a common-sense approach to your thoughts and behaviors. The idea is that your thoughts and beliefs lead to…

How Can I Support a Loved One Living With MDD?
Recovery Living with major depressive disorder (MDD) can be difficult, especially if someone is in the early stages of treatment. MDD is a serious mood disorder that can affect every aspect of life for those experiencing it. It can change how people…

Do I Need Support From a Mental Health Professional?
Recovery Mental health disorders can affect people from every walk of life. Mental health is a combination of one's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. If you are struggling with poor mental health, it can affect every aspect of your life.…

What Are the Benefits of Group Therapy for Mental Health?
Mental Health Group therapy is a form of therapy that uses psychotherapy techniques in a group setting. Unlike one-on-one talk therapy, group therapy gathers a certain amount of people together. Inside this group, everyone has a chance to share their experiences…