How Meditation Benefits Mental Health

How Meditation Benefits Mental Health

Meditation can greatly improve your mental health. It's a practice that allows you to observe your thoughts and feelings without judging them or trying to change them. This skill requires time and patience to master. With consistency, you will…
Why Is a Structured Environment Crucial to Early Recovery?

Why Is a Structured Environment Crucial to Early Recovery?

Early recovery is a unique experience for every individual going through mental health recovery. The first year of recovery is most often considered early recovery, and it is often the most challenging. It is a crucial period of time that needs…
Recognizing and Coping With PTSD Triggers

Recognizing and Coping With PTSD Triggers

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. Types of traumatic events that may cause PTSD to develop include: Serious accidents Abuse,…
What Do I Need to Know About Bipolar Disorder?

What Do I Need to Know About Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by intense mood swings. These swings might include changes in behavior or energy levels. If you or someone you know has been exhibiting mood swings that concern you, it is essential…
How to Know if You Need Treatment for Anxiety

How to Know if You Need Treatment for Anxiety

Living with anxiety can be debilitating. Anxiety has a way of making you want to hide from the world. If you struggle with anxious thoughts and feelings, you may avoid social settings or worry excessively about everything. Almost everyone…
What Are the Main Signs and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

What Are the Main Signs and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability in which the brain functions differently. A person with ASD is likely to have trouble with social communication and interactions. They might also exhibit repetitive behaviors or restricted…
How Mindfulness Can Calm Anxiety

How Mindfulness Can Calm Anxiety

Living with anxiety can be crippling. Being overwhelmed with anxious thoughts and feelings can leave you exhausted and fearful. Everyone deals with anxiety at some point, and it's a normal part of life. However, it becomes an issue when fear…
What Are the Positive Effects of Sticking to a Sleep Schedule?

What Are the Positive Effects of Sticking to a Sleep Schedule?

Throughout your life, a variety of things might disturb your sleep habits. Consuming large amounts of caffeine can affect your body's ability to get to sleep. Stress from work might keep you awake at night. Worrying about the people in your…
How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treats Bipolar Disorder

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treats Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition characterized by extreme highs and lows. The highs are known as mania, and the lows are depression. A person living with bipolar disorder experiences extreme shifts in mood that can interfere…
What Can I Do to Handle My Social Anxiety?

What Can I Do to Handle My Social Anxiety?

Anxiety and shyness in social situations are common experiences for many people. As a result of these feelings, you may experience fear or nervousness when participating in social situations. While a moderate amount of anxiety can be expected…