
How to Explain Your Mental Health to Your Child
Mental HealthChildren notice how the adults around them interact and react to one another. Mental health disorders cause some parents to develop maladaptive and unhealthy relationships. Meanwhile, children may feel responsible for changes they don't understand.…

How to Calm Your Mental Health Symptoms Before Bedtime
Mental Health Many people struggle to get enough quality sleep each night. You might feel anxious, experience nightmares, or have other mental health symptoms that disturb your sleep. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “A…

Why Aren’t More Men Looking After Their Mental Health Needs?
Mental Health Our society often places certain expectations on men and their mental health needs. Such expectations have significantly changed in the last several years and continue to evolve today. However, we still view men as strong and resilient, and…

How to Tell if Your Mental Health Is Causing Physical Pain
Mental Health Physical pain has multiple potential causes. In some cases, emotional distress or mental health symptoms cause people to feel aches or discomfort in various parts of their body. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, "The brain supports…

How Can Alter Wellness Care Help You Prioritize Your Mental Health?
Mental Health Every day we awaken to the hustle and bustle of the modern world, a world that discourages when you prioritize your mental health. We find ourselves in a delicate dance of prioritizing our social and professional commitments. Often, this can…

What Kind of Mental Health Support Do New Moms Need?
Mental Health It is often said that becoming a new mother is a joyous and transformative experience. However, we often do not consider the mental health support new mothers may need. For some, new motherhood presents new and unique challenges. Pregnancy…

Can Learning a New Skill Boost My Mental Health?
Mental Health Finding ways to challenge yourself and fill your extra time can be exciting. In addition, having hobbies that keep your body and mind active is extremely beneficial to your well-being. The team at Alter Wellness Care believes that everyone…

What Are the Mental Health Benefits of Being Near the Ocean?
Mental Health The ocean is a beautiful and amazing part of nature. It is full of life and life-giving resources. Stretching from continent to continent, our oceans connect us all as part of one planet. When you stand on a beach and dip your toes in the…

How Can Participating in Community Sports Improve My Mental Health?
Recovery Participating in community sports can be highly beneficial in a variety of ways. Time is precious and sometimes it may feel like you don't have enough time to do the things you have to do, let alone the things you want to do. As part of a…

How Should I Discuss Mental Health Concerns With My Employer?
Recovery Everyone goes through mental health struggles. For this reason, it is valuable to discuss mental health concerns with others in your life. Your mental health should always be a top priority. If you are struggling, it is okay to figure out…