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What Kind of Mental Health Support Do New Moms Need?

It is often said that becoming a new mother is a joyous and transformative experience. However, we often do not consider the mental health support new mothers may need. For some, new motherhood presents new and unique challenges. Pregnancy brings new and complex feelings for some women, and those feelings may not go away after […]

Can Learning a New Skill Boost My Mental Health?

Finding ways to challenge yourself and fill your extra time can be exciting. In addition, having hobbies that keep your body and mind active is extremely beneficial to your well-being. The team at Alter Wellness Care believes that everyone deserves to feel good and thrive in their lives. Moreover, learning a new skill can be […]

How Can Adventure-Based Therapy Help Me Learn Healthy Coping Skills?

Learning new skills is the first step to strengthening your ability to manage stressful situations. Once you’ve learned them, you must utilize opportunities to implement these skills into your daily life. This can be done through various activities that can help challenge you, often with the guidance of a mental health professional. Adventure-based therapy is […]

How Should I Discuss Mental Health Concerns With My Employer?

Everyone goes through mental health struggles. For this reason, it is valuable to discuss mental health concerns with others in your life. Your mental health should always be a top priority. If you are struggling, it is okay to figure out what you need in order to get back on track. Sometimes, this can mean […]

How Can I Help A Parent Deal With Mental Health Challenges?

If you are a child of a parent experiencing a mental health challenge, you may wonder how you can best help them. Unsurprisingly, to help a parent effectively, you may have to redefine your relationship in some significant ways. Nevertheless, there is no question that family support during recovery can have a significant effect on […]

In Early Recovery, What Should My Structured Environment Include?

When you are recovering from substance abuse or a mental health disorder, there are many factors that can serve as triggers for negative thoughts and emotions. For this reason, it is important to have a good routine and a structured environment that provides stability. When you feel comfortable and stable in your environment, you can […]

In Early Recovery, What Should My Structured Environment Include?

When you are recovering from substance abuse or a mental health disorder, there are many factors that can serve as triggers for negative thoughts and emotions. For this reason, it is important to have a good routine and a structured environment that provides stability. When you feel comfortable and stable in your environment, you can […]

How Group Therapy Can Help Ease Loneliness

As daily life becomes overpowered by technology, many of us experience a reduction in face-to-face contact. As a result, feelings of loneliness and depression are on the rise. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you experience loneliness or depression. Group therapy can help treat your symptoms and provide the sense of social support […]